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Reasonable Notice Period Chart  |  Job Category: All > Professional  |  Ages: All ages / Under 40 / 40-49 / 50+

DateCase NameCitationAgeYears of ServiceJob SubcategoryPositionNotice (months)
2015.09.11Lau v Royal Bank of Canada2015 BCSC 1639305Financial advisors
Account manager (bank)"He was an AM whose role is to work closely with RBC clients. He did not supervise any employees or have any employees reporting to him."
2007.09.05Lewis v PMC-Sierra Ltd ("Lee")2007 BCSC 161135 (approx)12Engineers
Leader, System Development"In the scheme of the defendant's operations, leaders do not have significant management responsibilities, but they do have some supervisory responsibilities"
2007.09.05Lewis v PMC-Sierra Ltd ("Lewis")2007 BCSC 161131 (approx)9Engineers
Intermediate Verification Engineer"That is a position below that of Leader. It does not involve any significant management or supervisory responsibilities."
2005.04.15Wilson v. UBS Securities Canada Inc. et al.2005 BCSC 5633714.5Financial advisors
Institutional trader"In her capacity as an institutional trader she bought and sold Canadian equities for institutional investors carrying on business in British Columbia and the United States."

The reasonable notice period chart lists notice periods awarded in Canadian wrongful dismissal cases.