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Reasonable Notice Period Chart  |  Job Category: All > Other  |  Ages: All ages / Under 40 / 40-49 / 50+

DateCase NameCitationAgeYears of ServiceJob SubcategoryPositionNotice (months)
2010.04.15Nishina v Azuma Foods (Canada) Co., Ltd2010 BCSC 502436.4Other
Quality control associate"Ms. Nishina worked as QC supervisor until shortly before the termination of her employment, when her title changed to that of QC associate. Ms. Nishina’s role in the QC department at Azuma Foods—to ensure that the company met the standards set out in food safety regulations—was essential to the company’s operation. She held a position of considerable importance within the company."

The reasonable notice period chart lists notice periods awarded in Canadian wrongful dismissal cases.