Reasonable Notice Period Chart | Job Category: All > Customer Service | Ages: All ages / Under 40 / 40-49 / 50+
Date | Case Name | Citation | Age | Years of Service | Job Subcategory | Position | Notice (months) |
2022.11.02 | MacCallum v Aldergrove Duty Free Shop Ltd. | 2022 BCSC 2499 | 78 | 10 | Front line | Retail sales clerk/janitorial"Her position was effectively entry level" | 10 |
2017.02.09 | Ram v. The Michael Lacombe Group Inc. | 2017 BCSC 212 | 55 | 24 | Restaurant staff | Cook (fast food)"She was a cook at a fast food restaurant. This is a low-level position, with little responsibility and no decision-making authority." | 12 |
2016.08.11 | Logan v Numbers Cabaret Ltd (Hamburger Mary's) ("Logan") | 2016 BCSC 1473 | 55 (approx) | 18 | Restaurant staff | CookNo job description provided | 14 |
2010.06.14 | Beggs v Westport Foods Ltd | 2010 BCSC 833 | 52 | 9.5 | Cashier/Clerk | Clerk (meat department)"Her duties included ordering food products, handling shipping and receiving, ensuring a clean and sanitary food preparation area and helping to train new staff. The job required a working knowledge of computerized scales and wrapping machines, responsibility for codes dating perishables and removal of outdated items. Good customer relations was an essential part of her job." | 11 |
The reasonable notice period chart lists notice periods awarded in Canadian wrongful dismissal cases.