Reasonable Notice Period Chart | Job Category: All > Professional | Ages: All ages / Under 40 / 40-49 / 50+
Date | Case Name | Citation | Age | Years of Service | Job Subcategory | Position | Notice (months) |
2020.02.14 | Virk v. Satnam Education Society of B.C. | 2020 BCSC 149 | 41 | 12 | Education | Vice principal"The vice principal in charge of the Khalsa Primary School. This was an academic position." | 12 |
2016.11.03 | Schinnerl v. Kwantlen Polytechnic University | 2016 BCSC 2026 | 48 (approx) | 8.5 | Education | Director of international programs and exchangesNo job description provided | 10 |
2016.10.13 | Smith v. Pacific Coast Terminals Co. Ltd | 2016 BCSC 1876 | 48 | 16.5 | Engineers | Manager of maintenance/engineering"Mr. Smith is a professional engineer and was responsible for the maintenance department and the engineering department of the defendant...As manager of maintenance and engineering, Mr. Smith was responsible for the engineering and maintenance activities of the company, including labour relations, and the maintenance and capital construction at the defendant’s terminal facilities. Mr. Smith had limited signing authority but was involved in regular discussions with other senior employees of Pacific Coast involving planning, budgeting and the overall operations of Pacific Coast. This included its large construction projects." | 19 |
2014.06.12 | Nicholson v Masonite International Corporation | 2014 BCSC 1247 | 45 | 2.5 | Finance department | Chartered accountant "with mid-level management duties""The plaintiff was a mid-level manager entrusted with significant financial and accounting responsibility at Masonite and expected to manage a small staff of accounting professionals and clerks." | 6 |
2014.05.29 | Ostrow v Abacus Management Corporation Mergers and Acquisitions | 2014 BCSC 938 | 40 | 0.75 | Financial advisors | Senior manager (US tax specialist)"Senior Manager with Abacus’ Structured Financial Solution Group, specializing in US taxation and working on multimillion-dollar transactions. The contract described his position as “senior, fiduciary, specialized and unique”...Mr. Ostrow did not have any supervisory responsibilities, but provided tax advice to structure high-level financial transactions. He has two Masters Degrees specific to this role, one in International Economics and Finance and the other in Business Taxation, as well as nineteen years’ experience in the international tax industry. Mr. Ostrow is a highly educated and specialized professional." | 6 |
2013.07.12 | Kerfoot v Weyerhaeuser Company Limited (Harshenin) | 2013 BCCA 330 | 45 | 18.5 | Engineers | Electrical project engineer"Their employment responsibilities are not described in the reasons for judgment...Mr. Harshenin’s title indicates a responsible, but more narrowly focussed, position." | 15 |
2011.10.04 | Balogun v Deloitte & Touche, LLP | 2011 BCSC 1314 | 44 (approx) | 0.7 | Finance department | Tax manager"The job description included playing “a key role co-ordinating teams to provide innovative tax solutions to our clients” and “building and maintaining client relationships”" | 2 |
2010.10.06 | Kokilev v Picquic Tool Company Inc | 2010 BCSC 1412 | 41 (approx) | 8 | Finance department | Vice-president of finance"Mr. Kokilev was considered a key and important employee...At the time of his dismissal, Mr. Kokilev was VP Finance, and earned $100,000 annually with benefits." | 10 |
2007.09.05 | Lewis v PMC-Sierra Ltd ("Eden") | 2007 BCSC 1611 | 41 (approx) | 11 | Engineers | Leader, Product Development"His last job title was Leader, Product Development. He had some supervisory responsibilities but no significant management responsibilities" | 12 |
1992.06.08 | Otting v Elkford (District) | [1993] B.C.J. No. 1676 (SC) | 42 (approx) | 9 | Finance department | Treasurer/collector/chief financial officer"In this position she was responsible for the various responsibilities laid out for the position of Treasurer in s. 245 of the Municipal Act...The position she had occupied was, within the small municipality of Elkford, a very responsible one. She was the chief financial officer. " | 9 |
The reasonable notice period chart lists notice periods awarded in Canadian wrongful dismissal cases.