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Reasonable Notice Period Chart  |  Job Category: All > Sales/Marketing  |  Ages: All ages / Under 40 / 40-49 / 50+

DateCase NameCitationAgeYears of ServiceJob SubcategoryPositionNotice (months)
2014.11.19Kim v International Triathlon Union2014 BCSC 2151341.8Marketing
Senior communications managerSenior communications manager in a non-supervisory role
2013.01.25Chawrun v Bell Mobility Inc2013 BCSC 102385.7Salespersons
Account executive"The account executive was expected to spend most of his or her time out in the territory, calling on potential customers and attempting to sell equipment and services to those customers. Once a potential customer had been identified, the account executive could call on Bell’s marketing department to assist in putting together a specific proposal for that potential customer...Mr. Chawrun’s job was essentially a sales job; not a management or executive position. As account executive, Mr. Chawrun headed a team that included three other Bell employees (or two and one-half employees as Ms. Del Rosario also worked for Ms. Stack), but he did not have the authority or responsibility to hire or fire these employees and they did not “report” to him in the sense that he was their immediate superior. The sales associates reported to a sales associates team leader; and then to Mr. Spencer. There is no evidence that Mr. Chawrun had the authority to discipline these employees or was responsible for formally evaluating their job performance. In the offer of employment made to him on June 17, 2008, there is no reference to any supervisory or managerial duties."
2011.12.09Oystryk v FCT Insurance Company Ltd.2011 BCSC 168639 (approx)1.9Salespersons
Account manager"This position involved responsibility for “managing relationships with existing customers and developing new accounts in the Interior of British Columbia.” Her clients were primarily bank managers and lawyers."
2009.01.21Saalfeld v Absolute Software Corp2009 BCSC 76034 (approx)0.75Salespersons
Federal territory manager (inside sales)"Ms. Saalfeld was an inside salesperson who, together with another salesperson, was responsible for developing a new market for Absolute Software under the supervision of the Territory Sales Manager (responsible for 19 territories)...There were no managerial responsibilities: the plaintiff was not assigned to supervise any other employees or to do any hiring, firing, or performance evaluations, and no employees reported directly to her. The plaintiff was one of 19 Territory Managers, all of whom reported to the Territory Sales Manager, Mr. Trotter."

The reasonable notice period chart lists notice periods awarded in Canadian wrongful dismissal cases.